Early Day Motion
Spink, Bob
That this House notes that soft loans and payments amounting to 258 million euros over the last five years were paid by the EU to the BBC; believes that such payments compromise the independence and objectivity of the BBC o n EU issues; further notes that the BBC benefited by a cash-equivalent of approximately 39 million euros which is made up of 20.4 million actual saved interest on loan facilities of 240 million, 2.5 million in grants, 14.6 million to BBC World and 1.7 million euros in indirect payments; further notes that there are, in addition, undisclosed sums in respect of joint projects; further believes that these substantial benefits may offend against the BBC's Royal Charter, which demands independence, and also its editorial guidelines which state that the BBC should not `accept funds from any organisation whose interests or actions could raise doubts about the objectivity of programming'; and cites, as continuing evidence of BBC bias in its coverage of EU affairs, the BBC's refusal to broadcast coverage of the National Pro-Referendum Rally at Westminster on 27th October 2007; therefore calls on the Government to establish an independent inquiry into EU funding of the BBC and its impact on the BBC's objectivity on European matters and current debate over a referendum on the EU Constitution; and congratulates the Campaign for an Independent Britain for its initiative in uncovering this information.
What are we to think? What could be the Good? There can't be, unless the EU is above our law, and to be further above yet, without our assent. ANd why on earth should we give our assent, because we're incompetent? Well that's one good reason, if it's true, and the EU isn't incompetent. I haven't been certified incompetent by the EU. They didn't ask the people's permission, Oh no. So, they must think they know better, and the sheep people will benefit from their competent propaganda.
Let's be plain, this isn't the release of a documentary about an EU issue. Yes, so it may offend the BBC's Charter, and independence. Meaning, it may not. Ha Ha, I can't imagine how it does not, unless we the public incompetents, can anyone?
As far as I'm concerned, it's corruption, in addition to the pedophile rings, and the sham debates. We don't need an enquiry. Leave first, then conduct an enquiry. It's the giddy limit. No it isn't it's al we know - you can bet your boots, in addition to the 'Common Purpose' corruption, it's only what has been uncovered.
I'll speak plain: the EU is part of the Blair-Bush -Rockafella international crime Cabal. Crimes not only of fraud, theft and false improsnment, but deep physical and social harm; Ripping apart child bodies; poisoning, sexual abuse of children.; Torture and the smashing of families; Totalitarian imposition over freedoms. That is the cause of this deceptive propaganda funding.
But why did the BBC accept it, without consultation? The answer in short, is that the BBC was compromised by New Labour political interference orchestrated from the moment following 9/11. If you think you're incompetent, even expendable, vote for the EU. Otherwise, don't mistake the EU as somehow ruling over our own inner government corruption: the EU is integral to it.
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