Charisma is separate from your personality style, if as according to definition and the root of the word, it involves a gift of grace. In someway charisma appears in a natural way. But when I consider children, however charming, I couldn't describe them as charismatic, though their charm may become so; it's seems to be something that appears later on. I'm think that it's quietly earned through integrity, selflessness and such qualities. A child's sphere of influence is circumscribed by being under parental control. Saying that, I wouldn't rule it out in a young person...I disagree with Wikipedia: it is not a trait in the sense used in personality psychology. It can be lost quickly.
Distinction between appointed leaders and a natural leaders exist although, appointed leaders may have charisma, depending on who they are. Tony Blair was an appointed leader, but IMHO, I wouldn't say he had charisma: the public were told he had charisma, by inference from a fawning media. I would say he had appeal and rode on it, and appeal is not always charismatic - it's being attractive for any of a number of reasons; A facade, a portrayal, promising, indulgent, meeting a perceived need etc.., and even grooming for leadership behind the scenes. With Tony Blair, his need for approval was equal to the publics' need for a fresh start ; I don't think that that would be true of a charismatic person.
1 comment:
Niccolo Machiavelli, Alexander Hamilton and Napoleon Bonaparte are just a few of the progenitors of modern day charisma. Under “Charismatology,” (the study of charisma), charisma is not only a manifesting of self-expression, but a whole worldview. To determine a true charismatic, one must look at the total human being’s self -expression, biology, environmental conditioning and insecurities. The charismatic has a personal philosophy, ideology, theme and objective for shaping public opinion and making the world bend to his will. Power is a core motivating factor for charismatics, not only for narcissistic objectives, but because charismatics feel their ideas are better. The will to power separates the charismatic leader from all other leadership forms. Through sheer will and personality, the charismatic leader uses hybrid approaches best suited for the situation in achieving a goal. In this notion, the charismatic is “amoral”, closest to Nietzsche’s idea of the “Amoral Super Man.” To the charismatic, he has become a god. Before eminent sociologist Max Weber secularized “charisma,” it was a religious concept literally meaning in Greek, “Grace or gift in action”. The modern charismatic has self-deified the term to reconcile it with its spiritual roots. Only, today’s charismatic sees himself as the Alpha and Omega of its original higher-power form as a literal manifestation. Whether it is a charismatic politician or a charismatic cleric, he feigns praying to a Supreme Being when he is mentally praying to himself.
Edward Brown
Core Edge Image & Charisma Institute
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