Criminal former President Bush 41 and his wife Barbara Pierce Bush (illegitimate daughter of the late British intelligence operative and Satanist, Aleister Crowley) were instructed by enforcement to ‘pack light’ (i.e. to place necessary clothes and toiletries only, in two small suitcases) so that they would be ready to be conveyed to jail at a moment’s notice.
•An unknown number of senior US Army and Air Force personnel were arrested during the week ending Friday 5th Jun
Dr Henry Kissinger has been and is being accompanied at all times by two Interpol agents with instructions to arrest him immediately and take him into high security custody, in the event that he attempts to intervene in the Settlements process. These agents are not for Kissinger’s protection.
24th May 2009, Bush 41’s passport was taken away from him
•President Obama, faced with the issuance of a Contempt of Court Writ by the World Court following a two-day extension granted on 1st June, which was the value date originally ‘agreed’, finally became ‘upset’ (the word used by our sources), and exerted himself against forces standing in the way of the Settlements process, given that the World Court proceedings could lead to the arrest of the President of the United States himself.
•We stress as follows:
ALL of the above intelligence has been RECONFIRMED TWICE by impeccable sources.
Finally, the criminal compartments, including we presume US Treasury operatives such as Timothy Geithner, the Bush and Clinton cadres, Leon Panetta and the ruthless fools inside the CIA and the rogue military elements, were, on 5th June, decisively rebuffed along the lines of (as it was put to us): ‘Who are you to destroy the American and world economies and to fling the American people into poverty?’. In other words, dare we say it, the message preached by this service and Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., has finally been accepted as realistic and sound – in the context of the ever more relentless thrashing that has been administered, and continues to be administered, to the criminal snakeheads who have tried to consolidate their hijacking of the whole of humanity in their lust to retain control of geomasonic Fraudulent Finance.
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