Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Not Land Promised by God

Let's deal with some myths about Israel.

"The Arab position, reflected in their expressly non-negotiable "peace plan," is that Israel, and not the Arab countries who waged war against Israel in 1948..."

This perpetutes the myth.
According to historians and the evidence, this was a hoax perpetrated by Israeli Radio Broadcasts. No threats have been shown to originate from Egypt. These broadcasts preceded genocide, and clearance of the land of of Palestinians. These are facts.

"For the Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians" as well as most other Arab"

Palestinians, strictly speaking aren't Arabs, They are semetic people, yes.

"It also must be said that most Israelis, like Americans, Europeans, and other citizens of free countries, are concerned primarily with succeeding in their own lives. They have limited interest in the fate of the Palestinians, except when it is forced upon them in the evening news"

In Britain, it is concerned people who lead in the news reporting, not newspapers or journalists. In fact we, are concerned with truth as a basis for peace; The view put forward above is merely to silence the voice of concerned and informed people. It is to suggest that we are powerless, and selfish. In Britain , the general view is, that Israel is not a legitimate state; legitimacy, based upon a claim upon God's word, is not accepted. Nor is the source for that statement, which appears in Rabbinical writings, not revealed scripture.

Also, we view the insistence upon a 'Jewish' state of israel to be meaningless if it were to include muslims free to practice and be involved in government. We cannot understand such divisions, when we are the children of the same one god. We are also aware that, Palestine was a peaceful home for Jews prior to the European incursions, and even then, to begin with, they were welcomed and helped. We are also aware that 'Jew' is rather a modern term, and in fact the religion of 'jews' refers to Pharisees.
Of those Pharisees, most were to be found living peacefully inn their own villages in Ottoman lands, including Palestine.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Scratch Talk

you know i talk to you without words
i think to myself, some of it you'd love to hear
must should

i see my thoughts are good
even funny
and kind
then there's myself, i see myself
i do myself
reaching out
reaching in
scratch the surface

McCann PJ Inspectors Accused

In the verdict read today, two PJ inspectors were accused, António Nunes Cardoso to document forgery and Gonçalo Amaral for simple false testimony, he was acquitted in relation to the crime of omission of denunciation of the aggressions suffered by Leonor Cipriano. The other three arguidos [defendants] were absolved of the crime of torture.

It wasn't proved who ordered the aggressions to Leonor Cipriano in 2004.

Gonçalo Amaral was sentenced to one year and six months of suspended sentence, and António Nunes Cardoso to two years and six months of suspended sentence also.


According to Amaral's view of the evidence, Madeleine McCann was killed in the apartment, and knowing that, the parents are implicated in the crime.

What is puzzling is the way the evidence points to the McCann parents, together with the obstacles to police investigation, and the immediate preparedness for a British-led campaign. The McCann parents were clearly acting on insider's advice from that moment onward.

And yet, no firm proof (even with discovery of a body, I doubt) that it was the McCann parents: There should be more, surely, even now. One fingerprint on the window: Someone else may have removed the body through the back door, and placed Kate's fingerprints on the window. Even the car evidence could be a frame, could it not? They may or may not have discovered their child dead. Someone in the Tapas9 could well know more, with sinister connections.gonzales_amral.jpg

The accusations aimed at Gonzales Amacal appear to be a frame too, and linked to McCann's case. That's obvious. It may not be because of something Amacal knows and withholds, but simply because he doesn't say the parents killed Madeleine, merely that she died in the apartment and they know it.
More details of the trial procedure are needed in order to see what has happened today. I am mightily suprised at this. With what evidence has complicity by Amacal & co has been upheld?

Quite a number of people who point to political conspiracies, implicate the Queen of Britain, along with her position as a head of Freemasonry in Britain, but I suggest that's not so. Freemasons may well be involved, certainly.

Two years ago it was, I think, the Queen spoke obliquely to the effect that, 'we are living and dark times'. That's not referring to threats from abroad, jihadism or outrage at interference in sovereign lands by our forces, nor to the usual corruption within politics, or manipulations by media establishments. It refers, i understand, to the almost complete corruption of out political system from outside, whereby we cannot easily pursue the truth, to the detriment of the fabric of society. One glaring indication is the ongoing British Intelligence clean up, directed from the Palace, stretching to America, involving the massive fraud of the Settlements money and the financiaL crisis,   perpetrated by the Blair-Bush cabal. See http://www.worldreports.org/news/179_blair_has_rolled_over_to_avoid_arrest_and_jail

Feet in the Air

Shown in a mirror, a place for us
Both to stand under - our secret

I've lost my way
Feet in the air, head entwined
All because of your whistling breath
Whispers sifted and taken as given
In attraction which bears children

As signs of your Self,
Second hand things that don't grow you harvest -
Amazement pinned to a suit which someone else imagined;
It doesn't suit you.
As signs of your self; Look what I do!
Look, What you've done!

No space for time to stand
Nor emission of gifts
No place for us both to stand under
And understand each other

Mediterranean Out of a Packet, With Tablecloths

Mmmm fresh reliable home-cooked Mediterranean food. This is the UK. Not bad for £10.00 + a head...how do they do it! An acquaintance, a friend, told me he had the privilege of riding in a delivery van to a circuit of 'independent' Italian restaurants. The van picked up from the factory. It's an assembly line of freshly made healthy factory food, Mediterranean style. With its full charge of preservatives: doughs, minestrone, vegetarian lasagne with cheddar on top, stuffed artichokes, breads, you name it. I rush to their defence: The restaurants boil their own pasta, don't you think?. The suppliers can produce anything, even a bisque. The main factor in any establishments' menu is how long they're prepared to keep it in the filthy fridge, or pop it in the freezer a few times. JOhn

Meditation Torn by Divisions

Meditation IS our true nature. As a child begins to grow, the purity of its Meditative state is spoilt due to many external factors. As a result, a child that arrives in this world in a state of utter innocence, wonder, joy, ecstacy, and celebration turns into a human being torn by divisions, tensions, and turmoil's. Deep rooted Engraved Memories (Samskaras) in the unconscious zone further cripple our ability to enjoy bliss.
~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Which is why intimacy of a Parent, in protecting or by teaching, is key to a child's outcome.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Andalusians Won't Snitch on Spotty People

Daily Star 21st May 2009 By Jerry Lawton

A DETECTIVE hired to find Madeleine McCann flew out of Britain yesterday on the trail of the spotty suspect he believes masterminded her abduction.

Former RUC officer Dave Edgar is travelling across Europe tracking an “ugly” man seen casing out the McCanns’ apartment in Portugal the four days before she vanished. He is convinced Maddie is still alive and was snatched by someone who “wanted a child to love”. Mr Edgar is acting on information from the public.

This follows the broadcast of a C4 documentary featuring a reconstruction of the then three-year-old’s kidnapping in May 2007. It included a computer-generated image of how Madeleine may look now aged six and a photofit of a pock-marked man seen by four witnesses acting suspiciously outside the apartment before the abduction.

One woman helped investigators compile the image of the suspect after they unearthed her witness testimony in 17 volumes of police files on the case which has been archived “unsolved”. The drawing prompted 300 phone calls and five or six possible names for the suspect.

Last night the McCann family’s spokesman Clarence Mitchell said Mr Edgar was following a “potentially vital” new lead. He said: “For operational purposes I cannot say where Mr Edgar and his team are exactly, but they are following up a very encouraging lead.”
Mr Edgar, 52, believes Maddie could be hidden in peasant villages close to the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz where she was snatched.

The dozy agent, Mr Edgar, although paid well enough to turn his mind away from hard evidence provided by policemen which implicates his employers, is going undercover with straw in his hat, because he knows Andalusian peasants, unlike educated town dwellers, don't snitch on spotty people.

No Fault Divorce is Crass

Divorce is painful for innocent good men because of the corruption and degeneracy in the legal system, not because of their marriage and divorce.

Typical, True Story of Two Men
Both these men had done nothing substantively wrong, they simply found that their wives no longer liked them. Both found themselves cut off from their children and robbed of much money they had earned through their own labour. Both suffered serious health problems as a result of being treated in this way by a wife and finding no protection in law. Both had honestly married the women involved.

The UK Law
The interpretation of law is generally corrupt, with senior judges having set illegal case precedents, particularly no-fault divorce principle, also as they have had enormous discretion, they choose whichever principles they wish to apply in each case; further that the law-making process is seriously compromised, the wishes of ordinary people are not considered, and those with vested interests and agendas (lawyers and feminists respectively) are heavily involved when they should not be.

UK Men Reply to Disturbing Government's Plan's

Government's Safety & Justice Document 2006-7

The entire tenor of this document is disturbing. The endemic partiality of the authors shows through the slant of the questions asked as well as the main body of the text. If the government uses the results of this consultation as justification to enact a law on domestic violence, then we predict confidently that any such law is going to further distort the justice system. It is a racing certainty that any new law will worsen the position of men in our society. We have considerable experience of the hysteria generated by the domestic abuse lobby being exploited to gain advantage in divorce or separation. Feminazi activist have consistently expanded the definitions of domestic abuse against women, and denied, ignored or trivialised domestic abuse against men.The domestic abuse cottage industry is run by, in the main, man-hating lesbian feminists. Women's Aid proudly boast that they are collectives, they used admit to being collectives run according to Marxist principles. They are not much concerned with the welfare of women, they are more concerned with removing the father from the family and destroying heterosexual marriages. They are the last people that any government should listen to when formulating policy, but we have little faith that the present government will do anything other than rubber-stamp their diktats. We call on all those concerned with justice and true equality to oppose such plans of the government.

A Man in Many Forms

Although a man may be a police officer, when he is at home he is a beloved father to his son. But if he comes home firing his revolver, the son will be so frightened that he will forget that he is his beloved father.
A father may wish to always appear reliable and approachable to his wife. She in her turn, where children are concerned, is expected to be faithful, according to their understanding, and open where disagreements are concerned, not hostile or rude. What is a father to do in that case?

Inconsistent Defence

"The Interview that Rita Jordão, a SIC corresponding journalist in London, carried out with the McCann couple, and which the station broadcast in May 2009, seems to have been yet another opportunity for the desperate and inconsistent defence of two issues, that are, in practical terms, indefensible: firstly, that Madeleine is alive, and secondly, that she only hasn’t been found yet because of a blockage that results from the propagation of Gonçalo Amaral’s theory, which apart from insisting that the little girl is dead, insists on the fact that the parents know that and, eventually, concealed the cadaver."

~ Paulo Sargento (1)

Assertion without Evidence
We are informed, according to K.McCann, the abductor was a man - 'someone's son'.. or whatever.
Useful information? I heard somewhere, on www.joana-morais.blogspot.com perhaps, that the majority of child traffickers are women. Not all though, so the stereotype would fit. A weak assertion of abduction without evidence: The 'twins beleive Madeleine was taken':

It was Tony Blair (ex-British PM) who introduced the infection of affected speech 'you know..' to preface every assertion we were supposed to swallow as gospel truth. The McCanns have that infection, (use it perhaps 100 times - not counted), but to be fair so do many Labour party supporters, in their waffle.

Evasive answers:
Q. Why does he (Amacal) not want to find Madeleine?
A. He's certainly not doing anything about it (We are). And, Mr McCann again: Amacal's theories 'are not backed up by any evidence whatsoever'.
A medical doctor is supposed to be able to weigh scientific evidence. This blank rejection of seriously strong evidence, reminiscent of doctors defending cigarrette manufacturers. But, in any case, Amacal's theories are 'ridiculous', according to McCann. I can only suppose that's because law enforcement agents are to believe that parents never tragically injure their children, in spite of any prior cases to the contrary.

According to Mr McCann the only downside to visiting Pria da Luz again this year for publicity and a spoof re-construction of events of that fateful night two years earlier, was the media frenzy, otherwise they have a lot of friends there - even ex-pats, and so it should have been an even better time. That evades the truth of their unwelcome reception there, and the reasons for that.

My conclusion
I do not think all the questions were prepared in advance, and so answers are interesting. The McCanns weren't appearing with a serious public appeal, or merely to update us on their interesting lives, but waffled in a style I recognise: damage limitation. I suspect Mitchell, spokesperson and ex-Labour Party PR employee and now spokesperson for the McCann's, grooms the McCann's not on their behalf, but on behalf of the whole corrupt Labour party leadership and their coterie. The McCann's are under their thumb.

An terrible alternative scenario, a political conspiracy theory, as to the truth of the matter: the child died in the apartment. The McCann's are innocent of that, being used and framed (eventually) by a bent Labour Party leadership. One amongst their number, or an accomplice to that party, killed the child and hid the body. This, at the time of the upcoming Lisbon Treaty.
Worth considering, for all it's worth. The interference of the Labour Party leadership in a judicial matter is more than worrying, and included direct intervention by Gordon Brown. The consequences of that interference led to an abrupt end to police enquiries and prosecution of the case, and remains to be explained. Answers to questions put to that leadership by the police, should be sought.

(1) Paulo Sargento is a Psychologist in Portugal, and anlyses various discourses concerned with the case.
His full analyis in full, 'The McCanns’ interview to SIC: Fallacies and more Fallacies or the antechamber to the Swan Song?' can be found here on Joana Morais' informative blog. Gonçalo Amaral was the leading Portuguese detective following Madeleine McCanne's dissapearance.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Man Speaks Alone

A man speaks, he's quite alone:

Getting it all out of my head
Death is all around me. It seems to be the only thing I think of lately. It makes everything seem so small. It makes me feel like a fool here tapping on my keyboard trying to convince myself my life has some meaning. I know it's all meaningless. I know this will all amount to a pile of shit when I die. Is it anger I'm feeling? I don't think so. I'm not angry, or afraid, or anxious - I'm simply seeing things for what they are. We make such a big fucking deal of it all and it's really ridiculous. We're wasting our time, not even living.

Why do I get up every morning and go to a job I hate? Why am I spending thousands of dollars and countless hours getting a degree that will do nothing for me? Sure, it will grant me permanent certification to teach, but I'm not learning from these classes. I can teach myself, I don't need them. Why am I doing it?I don't know, I can't help thinking lately that if it's going to end anyway it may as well end now. I'm just wasting time waiting for the inevitable. And of course there will be those who say the means justifies the end in this case - I have to do something with the time I have, blah, blah, blah - you're only trying to convince yourself that there's meaning in your life. Keep lying to yourself but don't expect me to buy it. I've accepted that there is no meaning to life, there are no answers.< p>

The universe goes on without us, and doesn't even notice if we live or die. We live in this little bubble of a planet that we think is the center of the universe, but really what effect do our actions here on earth have on anything. We are all like Ozymandius - 'look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!' as we lie in the dust of our own destruction. I'm going to sleep and if there's any justice in the world I won't wake up.

I found it interesting to hear the man speak. It would be easy for me to knock his view. Instead I appluad him for being so bold. I see he's troubled because we're not free - that's where we get meaning. We live in a system which makes us slaves to work, heads bloated with propoganda, food processed without love. Why should our lives affect the dust of the universe in any purposeful way?
I like the bit about learning and teaching: government school is cheating government propaganda by right-on social-materialist revolutionaries, timid or bullish, always right since the age of...school-age; Life - an extension of high-school cool (Zappa, F.)

Link: downtheinkwell: Getting it all out of my head

Eyelids Get Heavy

may 24 08 102

When I travelled the colourful world before terrorism
I had long eyelashes but I was seeking a Genius's welcome to a new arrival and I kept my eyes open.
People loved me 'cos I looked upon them with a gaze that sought to see the best in them.
And while I travelled from human oasis of paradise and through teeming streets of careless poverty,
I was drawn into towering scenes hinting at revelation.
Now my lashes insist there is nothing to welcome,
unless I stay up all night to meet dewy morning light that transports me to where I should always be.
I'm unfussed by all the bother and mortal immortal,
I know I am where I am at, which is not the UK, (though it is my postal address).
I don't feel tired, but I have used up half a lifetimes energy.
Now I'll compose a tune to cut through nine-to-five
Did I ever meet a genius?

Year of writing: 2004

Not To People I Don't Know

When I'm not writing to people i don't know
All is carrying me away
Why stop and write, to capture a moment
Point out injustice to me, to you, to us...we who permit it;
Limitations, marvels, a scent of flowers, a trail of words. As long as I write,
Then I am not limited by your use of words as I am
when I go walkabout under a wicked spell.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Attendance at Deaths

According to the McCann family, detectives asked why a British-trained dog detected traces of a corpse on Mrs McCann’s clothing, a Bible in the apartment, and when it approached their hire car. Reports also claim that is discovered the scent on the vehicle’s key fob,and Madeleine's toy cat Mrs McCann, a former GP, has said she was present at six deaths before her holiday. Doctors are called to certify death on occasions. Typically This does not occur very often. The patient is an elderly person in a residential or nursing home. A doctor has to check for a heartbeat, respiration, and whether the pupils react when a pen torch is shone into the eyes. At least one doctor finds the claim that Mrs McCann attended six deaths, shortly before the her holiday, difficult to believe. People tend to die on hospital wards, and when a patient in a care home becomes unwell, they tend to get admitted to a hospital. Why the scent of death was on Mrs McCann’s Bible also raises suspicions. Are we supposed to believe she took this Bible with her when she was at work? This question of attendance would be easy to check against surgery records. Has anyone knowledge of this? Possibly not, as it may be one of the confidential facts known only to police (British and Portugese). If it is found a lie, then along with the publicly available evidence, I imagine the case for trial and likely conviction is sealed, and only political interference blocks progress to trial. Which makes me wonder what political opportunities could arise to clear the way. A change in British and Portuguese government may not in themselves precipitate an action by the Portuguese police. It would take some kind of political will. I private prosecution is unlikely, unless Amaral or the residents of the unfortunate resort town Praia de Luz in Portugal take one against the McCanns for damages first.

Censored in the UK: Truth of the Lie

Censored in the UK mainstream television media: The McCann documentary they don't want you to see. Detective Amaral, investigator with the Portuguese police has shows compassion in presenting vital evidence concerning issues many people in the UK would like to be answered by the McCann family. Almost two years after Madeleine McCann allegedly died in the holiday apartment – as Gonçalo Amaral defends in his documentary – the investigators continue to have no doubt that the inquiry was affected by a contamination that was carried out intentionally by Kate and Gerry McCann, with one sole purpose: to conceal their daughter’s death. http://joana-morais.blogspot.com/2009/05/mccanns-on-itvs-this-morning-show.html