Friday, 22 May 2009

McCann PJ Inspectors Accused

In the verdict read today, two PJ inspectors were accused, António Nunes Cardoso to document forgery and Gonçalo Amaral for simple false testimony, he was acquitted in relation to the crime of omission of denunciation of the aggressions suffered by Leonor Cipriano. The other three arguidos [defendants] were absolved of the crime of torture.

It wasn't proved who ordered the aggressions to Leonor Cipriano in 2004.

Gonçalo Amaral was sentenced to one year and six months of suspended sentence, and António Nunes Cardoso to two years and six months of suspended sentence also.

According to Amaral's view of the evidence, Madeleine McCann was killed in the apartment, and knowing that, the parents are implicated in the crime.

What is puzzling is the way the evidence points to the McCann parents, together with the obstacles to police investigation, and the immediate preparedness for a British-led campaign. The McCann parents were clearly acting on insider's advice from that moment onward.

And yet, no firm proof (even with discovery of a body, I doubt) that it was the McCann parents: There should be more, surely, even now. One fingerprint on the window: Someone else may have removed the body through the back door, and placed Kate's fingerprints on the window. Even the car evidence could be a frame, could it not? They may or may not have discovered their child dead. Someone in the Tapas9 could well know more, with sinister connections.gonzales_amral.jpg

The accusations aimed at Gonzales Amacal appear to be a frame too, and linked to McCann's case. That's obvious. It may not be because of something Amacal knows and withholds, but simply because he doesn't say the parents killed Madeleine, merely that she died in the apartment and they know it.
More details of the trial procedure are needed in order to see what has happened today. I am mightily suprised at this. With what evidence has complicity by Amacal & co has been upheld?

Quite a number of people who point to political conspiracies, implicate the Queen of Britain, along with her position as a head of Freemasonry in Britain, but I suggest that's not so. Freemasons may well be involved, certainly.

Two years ago it was, I think, the Queen spoke obliquely to the effect that, 'we are living and dark times'. That's not referring to threats from abroad, jihadism or outrage at interference in sovereign lands by our forces, nor to the usual corruption within politics, or manipulations by media establishments. It refers, i understand, to the almost complete corruption of out political system from outside, whereby we cannot easily pursue the truth, to the detriment of the fabric of society. One glaring indication is the ongoing British Intelligence clean up, directed from the Palace, stretching to America, involving the massive fraud of the Settlements money and the financiaL crisis,   perpetrated by the Blair-Bush cabal. See

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