Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Let's Take Out Common Purpose Subversives from Society

Brian Gerrish, ex-naval officer produces results of his investigations into the corrosive Common Purpose, the UK charity. The nature and far-reaching extent, questions from the public, and solutions to the problem.
  • Seeks to 'establish control' over 'host' councils, cities and towns.
  • 1st allegiance to Common Purpose
  • Graduates show a reluctance to admit to belonging to, or funding Common Purpose.
  • Common `Purpose are reaching into schools, are grooming children and seeking the 'right' headmasters.
  • Councils are recruiting on behalf of Common Purpose amongst their staff.
  • 26,000 + Graduates, paid for by funds diverted from the public purse, in positions of public service.
  • Demonstrate allegience to EU
  • Secret Society: Chatham House Rules.
  • Penetrated all public services and major British institutes, including police, judiciary and, armed services
Common Purpose and BBC
BBC Olwyn Hocking is Head of Regional and Local Programmes at the BBC and has put her directors and producers on Common Purpose's programmes. She explains why
"Working with very different kinds of people, who bring such different assumptions, who question different things and approach things in very different ways, has had an enormous broadening effect on our people, really stretching them."
"We began to put BBC people through the programmes as soon as we came across Common Purpose, seeing the benefits both to the individuals..."
Common Purpose and The New Media Trust
The New Media Trust is made has many interesting trustees including Baroness Helena Kenndy QC (Labour)- BBCs Robert Peston & ex Guardian journalist Al Scardino. The New Media Trust has the same address as Common Purpose.
Common Purpose, the Fabian Society, Parliament and European Union
The philosophy of the Fabian Society was written in 1887 and included the statement: "The Fabian Society acknowledges the principal tenet of Marxismthe abolition of private property etc." (of course this does not apply to the elect oligarchy at the top who end up owning the lot!).
Fabian Socialism is a "mixture" of Fascism, Nazism, Marxism and Communism all bundled together. Today the Fabian Society is among other things the intellectual wing ofthe British Labour Party. Before Tony Blair became British Prime Minister in May 1997, he was Chairman of the Fabian Society. Since the 1997 British general election there have been around 200 Fabian MP's in the House of Commons, some of whom have formed almost entire Labour Cabinets including Gordon Brown, Robin Cook, Jack Straw, David Blunkett, Peter Hain, Patricia Hewitt, John Reid, Ruth Kelly, AlanMilburn and Clare Short.
Headed by Tony Blair, Fabians now dominate the entire British government. They are resident in all parties and sit on all important select committees, commissions and organizations allied to the government. The Fabian Society literally controls the European Union. Common Purpose inherits much of the philosophy, but it is much more deadly because it is much more clever and subtle.
Common purpose links with Fabian Society
Julia Middleton: video "Beyond Authpority" (strikingly stupid, bullshitting and confident):

EU Police State Against the People.

Excerpts from the site:
Examples of how our lives have degraded since we've been in the EU
In addition to many more laws than those above, add the 107,000 regulations, and whole bureaucracies such as VOSA building up networks of cameras and databases to record our movements and criminalise us when we can't comply. Persecution is no longer confined to motorists; under EU Corpus Juris our courts have become extensions of government power instead of independent arbiters of justice.
Westminster had passed sufficient of the EU's oppressive laws (the "harmonisation" in the Treaties) by the end of 2004 that we have been living in what is legally a police state since then. But at the moment, its only one per cent enforced. After the Queen signs the sixth Treaty, the EU has the absolute power to enforce 100% of its regulations and laws.
We have lost the right to life
Under EU law the "Shoot to kill" policy did not need democratic authorisation. Just two senior police officers authorised the police to kill British people. A democratic vote by Parliament was not required, but even that would not have legalised the killing under British common law. A recent victim was an innocent Brazilian, Jean de Menezes, shot dead in Stockwell underground station, even though he was being held down by police officers at the time of the execution. The police used dum-dum bullets, outlawed under the Geneva Convention because they blow a man to pieces inside.
The police can no longer be convicted for killing innocent people - Philip Prout shot at Lewannick in East Cornwall is just one of 30 people shot dead by police since 1992 when corpus juris crept in. At least one was shot in the back; most were no threat to anyone. Not once since 1992 has a policeman been convicted of any crime for these murders.
We have lost the right to freedom
The EU arrest warrant (signed by the Queen on 18th November 2003) allows us to be arrested without charge and held indefinitely with no right to see a solicitor, make a phone call, or even a right to a trial. You can simply disappear.
Under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA) 2005, we can now be arrested and held in the cells by any police officer for any petty offence, like dropping litter. Before it had to be an offense that carried a 5 year jail term. This also applies to all of the EU's 107,000 regulations. Do you know them all?
The Civil Contingences Act 2004 allows government to confiscate anything you possess permanently; you have no right to object. This includes your house. It also gives government the right to forceably move its population around to different locations; you can be left with no place to call your own and live like a refugee. The only check and balance here is a Minister just needs to utter the words "This is a national emergency." If a demonstration or strike government doesn't like is being organised, they can cut off all communications in a town - phones, mobiles, the internet, TV, and block all access to that town including closing roads and railways. It has all the powers and more of Hitler's Enabling Act of 1933.
In the EU, (which means in Britain) government is above the law.
The EU's corpus juris now pervades right through our legal system. A policeman was let off by magistrates this year (2005) for driving his private car at 159 mph in Ludlow, Shrops. Under Corpus Juris the government are above the law and cannot be prosecuted The judge ruled correctly under EU law. 45,000 police officers got off speed cameras in this way in 2004, although their speeding killed 44 innocent people. (Daily Mail 27.12.05.)
EU "monitoring Officers" have the right to dismiss our Councillors.
The Local Government Act of 2000 empowered the head of the EU government in England, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minster (ODPM) to appoint a monitoring officer to spy on every council. If an elected councillor disagrees with the EU or government line, the unelected "Standards Board for England" can suspend him for up to five years. An example is in Cambridgeshire, where the ODPM has threatened cllr Alex Riley with suspension if he attends any debate discussing the ODPM's plans to build a new town of 20,000 people called Nothstowe on his ward. The ODPM has the conflict of interest here; but its powers are becoming absolute.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

What is Charisma?

Charisma is separate from your personality style, if as according to definition and the root of the word, it involves a gift of grace. In someway charisma appears in a natural way. But when I consider children, however charming, I couldn't describe them as charismatic, though their charm may become so; it's seems to be something that appears later on. I'm think that it's quietly earned through integrity, selflessness and such qualities. A child's sphere of influence is circumscribed by being under parental control. Saying that, I wouldn't rule it out in a young person...I disagree with Wikipedia: it is not a trait in the sense used in personality psychology. It can be lost quickly.

Distinction between appointed leaders and a natural leaders exist although, appointed leaders may have charisma, depending on who they are. Tony Blair was an appointed leader, but IMHO, I wouldn't say he had charisma: the public were told he had charisma, by inference from a fawning media. I would say he had appeal and rode on it, and appeal is not always charismatic - it's being attractive for any of a number of reasons; A facade, a portrayal, promising, indulgent, meeting a perceived need etc.., and even grooming for leadership behind the scenes. With Tony Blair, his need for approval was equal to the publics' need for a fresh start ; I don't think that that would be true of a charismatic person.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Brown puts Israel lobbyist in charge of Britain's Middle East policy

Gordon Brown puts Israel lobbyist in charge of Britain's Middle East policy

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has appointed an Israeli agent of influence to a key position at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Britain’s foreign ministry.

On 9 June 2009, Ivan Lewis was given a major promotion in Mr Brown’s government when he was appointed Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office with responsibility for Middle East policy, Iraq, Iran, counterterrorism and Anglo-American relations.
Speaking after his promotion, Mr Lewis said: “My responsibility for the Middle East peace process is particularly poignant. I have never hidden my pride at being Jewish or my support for the State of Israel”.

Of course, there are experts in the Middle East, who have studied the languages, literature, culture, politics and history at British Universities; languages like Turkish and Arabic. Why bother with those, these days?

Monday, 15 June 2009

iTunes Music - Script: Add or Trash Music Files Not Added

The script Music Folder Files Not Added v1.0 will list the files and paths of the files in your designated "iTunes Music" folder which are not in iTunes' library.

Works for files that were 'deleted' but not into the trash. You can select whatever tracks you want to move to the trash or back to itunes. Just drop it in your ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts/ directory.

Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

Then select 'Launch MFFNA' from the menubar scripts icon, in itunes. Press find, and here's an example result.


There you have it. Fantastic script.

Who's Making Conservation Happen?

This a reply to your passionate post, which seems to be mainly concerned with hunters, and non-hunters. Non-hunters apparently know less then the first about conservation. I feel for your passion, but I'm going to point out mistakes. I haven't read all the other posts, perhaps some are attacking hunters. In any case, here goes, based just on what you have said.

  • Answers:
  • My clothing comes from plants. I imagine yours does, unless it's from petroleum.
  • I wear leather sandals, from the skin of a dead camel.
  • I eat a vegtarian diet, similar to the 'Strongest man in the world', well certainly Russia, Bakhrom Akhnazarov.
  • For medicine I use only food and some minerals like Iodine.
  • To keep warm I dress in wool, and light wood fires.
  • This shows that hunters don't provide us with those things.

  • I am not saying what I have done to help a human today, it's a rhetorical question, you assume the answer's nothing.
  • Children are also dying in Palestine and Iraq and Afghanistan. That's because of war. It is possible to be kind to animals and to humans, equally.

My business is conservation. I know more than the average hunter about conservation. I was a hunter, and learn't an enormous amount, but little about conservation itself; My grandfather was a gamekeeper, and I grew up in the trade. We didn't think of it as conservation, it was simply traditional, and the landowner was an ancient Lord, who wanted to keep the life that way; he wasn't into 'new money'.

You love hunting and you say you love animals. I take it you mean you think you love animals. Perhaps it's just words. Humans and love...I'm sure you are in awe of nature, but that's not the same as loving animals. Saying 'I love animals' doesn't give a person any credit in their views concerning animals, it's a platitude, nothing more. Do you love every single protozoan? Most actual overs of animals are city-dwellers, those you seem to despise, with pets.

Hunters are not the people funding conservation. All people from all walks of life fund conservation, through taxes, direct debits, indirectly through shopping, even buying airtickets. Example, tigers are supported through government funds, and no hunting is allowed, and hunters have no part in the preservation of tiger country, in India.

Funding conservation is not conservation. All conservation monies is paid in wages and overheads. Most of that money puts further pressure on biodiversity, as it is spent.
Not all hunters live outside BIG cities, and not all non-hunters libve inside BIG cities.

Now I'll turn to the main issue, as I see it in your post: Who is making conservation happen? Well, it's not happening really.
What hunters now know about conservation they have been taught in retrospect. The reason hunters help in efforts is incidental, as it was found that they preserve the habitats for hunting; this was pointed out to them, in the remnant habitats they used, by professional conservationists, in lobbeying for protection satus. Hunters willingly joined them.
Himalayan Native Forestdenuded hymalaya

Prior to modern consumerism, vegetarian societies as much as hunters, preserved their environment. How? One of the best ways of seeing thisis how abcient cultures in marginal mountain areas exist symbiotically ion a fragile environement. The mountains have poor soils, and are vulnerable to sudden loss of biodiversity ion a fragile environement. At the same time they are responsible for onward flow of water. If the soil was to be degraded, loss of mountains and soil would occur, and it would take many hundreds of years for it to restore. The main way conservation is preserved is by strong local leadership (traditional cheifs), coupleed with respect (not radoration) and religious taboos. There is enormous respect for each living community of plants and animals, the diversity etc. An example is, in one place is that it is forbidden to wear red shoes or urinate! in a forest so as to not displease the gods, along with many practical restraints. The point being, they see the world as alive, and populated with spirit, in plants and animals, but also each habitat has it's presiding deity.That was just a breif look: the main thing contrinuting to conservation is a traditionall culture in situ, which has marginal markets, and strong (non-central) local government, plus respectful religious lore (non-materialistic).

The reason we are losing biodiversity (flora and fauna) is due to loss of habitat. Most loss of habitat is due to economics and materialistic consumer lifestyles. Hunters contribute to that like most people; unless you live in the forest, and entirely by the forest. If you eat any food grown in the mass factory farming Industry, you are contributing to loss of biodiversity. Same for toilet rolls, elecricity, cars, guns, etc.
You are right, that hunters play an important part in preserving remnant forest. Conservation now, practically and in terms of knowledge, is not about a fight between hunters and others.

Incidentally, so far as eating three meals a day, I definately wouldn't say its good to feed an animal three times a day, for example a gun dog; we bred them for the King. It is arguable that, even for humans - not children, one large meal aday might be a better watyto regulate appetite, growth and energy.
Warm regards,

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Sophie Milman Sings Back Home to Me

People love her voice. She's up there with the greats. Originally form Russia, now in Toronto, Canada. Her father switched her on to jazz singing, as he collected 'illegal' jazz records in USSR. SInging the songs together helped bring and keep the family together through difficult times.

Zulya sings Children of the Underground

Discovered Zulya through following Sophie Milband. Zulya, orginially from Russia, resident in Australia, sings Tartar songs. Beautiful voice. This one features a classy animated video clip by neko studio, melbourne.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Worship as Spiritual Dicipline

Excellent (free) podacst explaining the essentials of vedanta 'puja' or ritual worship, that we can all do, and gain real spiritual power. Clears up any confusion. Second in the series. Grab the others if you like this, including the introduction. The teacher, Swami Tyagananda has a soothing, unassuming voice, but behind this is an experienced, learned and realised man. Definitely not one of the jet-set swamis.

Includes discussion of arti, and agni, (lights and fire), the material elements, and much more.


Swami Tyagananda

Swami Tyagananda is a Hindu monk of the Ramakrishna Order and presently head of the Ramakrishna Vedanta Society in Boston. Ramakrishna Vedanta Society is a branch of the Ramakrishna Order founded by Swami Vivekananda, with its headquarters at Belur Math, near Calcutta, in India

Etymology of the Name

Swami Tyagananda explains the meaning of his name:

"The word Swami is the epithet used for Hindu monks and the word means master. It points to the ideal of being a master of oneself or being in control of oneself. The second part of my name is my actual name, given to me when I received my final monastic vows. Tyagananda is a combination of two words, tyâga and ânanda: tyâga means detachment or letting go; ânanda means joy. Taken together, the word means 'the joy of detachment.' It points to the ideal of letting go of all the nonessentials in order to focus on and hold on to the essentials. My name, thus, serves me as a reminder of two ideals, self-mastery and letting go."

Swami Tyagananda was the editor of the English language journal Vedanta Kesari based in Chennai, India. for eleven years.

Animals Are our Masters

It is no secret that our planet is slowly but surely getting extinct due to poor management and neglect.The current Energy sources used are indeed threatening life on Earth. How come we human beings, as smart as we are, are killing all life forms including ourselves?As human beings we are simply neglecting our home, Earth, and leading it to Death.How come Animals, the so called inferior species, are smarter than us human beings? They simply are...Not only animals do not make our mistakes but also, their nature is far more perfect than ours since they do not develop disease like we do.A tiger, an endangered species, is smarter and more noble than any human being, yet a tiger is treated as a threat to humans...A horse, a lifetime companion, knows that humans are so stupid, yet a horse allows humans to ride him/her and is treated as a slave...A dog, a human's best friend, protects humanity from itself, yet a dog is treated as a simple domestic animal...All these animals are masters, and instead they are treated as inferior and as our slaves...

I'll jot down some thought: Hope it's relevant to you.

A comparison of the life of animals and humans is interesting. The title of this blog is, all seriousness, provoking.
In an ultimate sense, animals are not our masters, that would be God, if you are happy at this time, with the word God. In a more immediate sense, it seems that we humans are the masters of animals.
A dog is said to need a firm master, being happier , with one who is not confusing them.

But in a very real sense, animals are our masters. I say because animals obey their nature. It's hard for them to do otherwise; so they are evolving spiritually, their karma yoga is natural, easy, gradual; they are on the right side of Natural Law. Then, they are the representatives of that Law, that Lawgiver.
tiger rajastan

Due to the capacity of humans to exercise free will with respect to our thinking capacity, we have greater capacity for accelerated evolution and conversely, the capacity to abuse it, ourselves and others, simply through ignorance and ego. That's abuse because ego is not ourselves, and it is our job to realise and obey our real spiritual selves (the reason we are given our capacity), our self not ego based upon identification of personal belongings and unnatural obedience to our own bodies. So, we in selfish ignorance obey our ego, whereas animals obey Natural Law.

Whereas an animal obeys it's first thought, according to nature, we ignore our first thought, in obedience to fear, greed, status, body (ego), and lose our conscience. That's an abuse of our higher insight, which gives us the ability to spiritually evolve. Everything is governed by Natural Law, of which our earthly Rule of Law, is a mirror, until corrupted.
Our society's, and personal Rules of Law, include sanctions permitting the enjoyment of all that is given to us, without greed and destruction of the same; All natural gifts. It's the Gifts of Nature that sustain us, not massive Industrial Enterprises.
We continue to live foolishly, slavishly economically enslaved to a system that is destructive of ourselves, our children, and all around. I say continue, but it's rather recent in terms of history. It's not about the environment per se, but how we live. Animals aren't making mistakes there, but merely suffering what we heap upon them; We are, daily as individuals and as the public body. We are given words as tools, and unfortunately, we have recently experienced a Revolution in Dumbing Down, and misinformation. It's hard to put a sane message across, for the public good.

We are divided in every which way, especially through a mistaken notion of secularism. Instead of a multi-faith society, it's taken to mean governance of the material world in separation form spirit. As if the two were or could ever be seperate! There's in it's place a naive belief that all the problems we create can be solved with new technology. Forget it!
Ensuing attacks upon religion, or religous debate, haven't helped. A retreat to inner self, and a goal of self liberation, with new age spirituality doesn't and cannot help each other to live in this world. Spirit and its potencies is inner and outer, unconfined. So you discover you are a god or godess inside, congratulations! So are demons. You still use toilet paper don't you? You still think it's dirty to wipe you bum with your hand, don't you? You won't get a bidet. You still buy energy-saving bulbs instead of going to bed at night and getting up at dawn. Some unique godess! The same as anyone one else. Are you going to say to your employer get a bidet, or 'm not coming to work? You should, if you're valued for who you are. I could go on.

We are living for ourselves often as slaves to an unhealthy system. We're frightened or feel powerless to stand up to it. We have children to support too, and we love them so much more than those generations to come, or the kittens they play with. And if we don't pull in a wage , we'll lose our home, or the children through divorce on demand. Animals don't live in such a disgraceful spiritual atmosphere. Perhaps that's why we are so spellbound to see a tiger, which is fearless.

Religions are a common, public spiritual good, and have always taught that we are stewards in the immediate natural world; without a common spiritual dimension to public life, and without being happy with frugal lives, sharing the bounty with all, we have a disgraceful, idiotic, competitive ethos, and we are powerless to end it (end note: It's not competition that brings excellence, but a spirit of loving, selfless service. Bad service loses out to the competition).

Monday, 8 June 2009

Bush 41, Clinton, Bush, Kissinger Under Close Guard

Bush 41, Clinton 42 and Bush 43 and US Chief Justice John Roberts were told that they would all be arrested if there was any further interference in the Settlements process. We were advised that heavy documentation is associated with this statement.

Criminal former President Bush 41 and his wife Barbara Pierce Bush (illegitimate daughter of the late British intelligence operative and Satanist, Aleister Crowley) were instructed by enforcement to ‘pack light’ (i.e. to place necessary clothes and toiletries only, in two small suitcases) so that they would be ready to be conveyed to jail at a moment’s notice.

An unknown number of senior US Army and Air Force personnel were arrested during the week ending Friday 5th Jun

Dr Henry Kissinger has been and is being accompanied at all times by two Interpol agents with instructions to arrest him immediately and take him into high security custody, in the event that he attempts to intervene in the Settlements process. These agents are not for Kissinger’s protection.

24th May 2009, Bush 41’s passport was taken away from him

President Obama, faced with the issuance of a Contempt of Court Writ by the World Court following a two-day extension granted on 1st June, which was the value date originally ‘agreed’, finally became ‘upset’ (the word used by our sources), and exerted himself against forces standing in the way of the Settlements process, given that the World Court proceedings could lead to the arrest of the President of the United States himself.

We stress as follows:
ALL of the above intelligence has been RECONFIRMED TWICE by impeccable sources.

Finally, the criminal compartments, including we presume US Treasury operatives such as Timothy Geithner, the Bush and Clinton cadres, Leon Panetta and the ruthless fools inside the CIA and the rogue military elements, were, on 5th June, decisively rebuffed along the lines of (as it was put to us): ‘Who are you to destroy the American and world economies and to fling the American people into poverty?’. In other words, dare we say it, the message preached by this service and Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., has finally been accepted as realistic and sound – in the context of the ever more relentless thrashing that has been administered, and continues to be administered, to the criminal snakeheads who have tried to consolidate their hijacking of the whole of humanity in their lust to retain control of geomasonic Fraudulent Finance.

For more see:


Sunday, 7 June 2009

Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned

Interesting Comment and response on Guido Fawkes site:
JUNE 2ND, 2009

Who Leaked Jacqui’s Exit?


“TURNING and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;”


  • 190
  • bandersnatch says:
  • June 2, 2009 at 4:12 pm
  • Any more of that and Guido will give you the black spot… a bit of comment moderation malware sat there under your ‘Leave a comment’ window…
  • Reply
  • 286
  • Ashiata says:
  • June 2, 2009 at 5:31 pm
  • Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and verywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity.
  • Reply

    • 342
    • Jakbopsays:
    • June 7, 2009 at 6:47 pm
    • Fluent with good intelligence: good people here….thanks for keeping yourselves together!
      Stunned. So brilliantly apt and ready, and well..this is the greatest thing to happen, this comment and reply here, in the whole recent history of British political debate. There should be a you tube movie, a school worksheet, and a rap song of this!
    • Reply

  • http://order-order.com/2009/06/02/who-leaked-jacquis-exit/#comment-140701

information on José Manuel Barroso

Some background information on José Manuel Barroso and the 2005 ‘Snap’ Election.

“In 1999 José Manuel Barroso was elected president of his political party, PSD, Parliamentary elections in 2002 gave the PSD enough seats to form a coalition government with the right-wing Portuguese People's Party (led by onetime ‘O Independente’ editor and Defence Minister, Paulo Portas) and Barroso subsequently became Prime Minister of Portugal on 6 April 2002.

Jose Manuel Barroso.jpg

In 2004 Barroso left Santana Lopes, his second-in-command in the PSD to form a coalition government with the People's Party. Within months however, Lopes's charismatic and appealing yet deeply inexperienced leadership began to prove unpopular with his own party and party rivals. Concern was that the right-wing Popular Party (and junior coalition party) could gain even greater influence. The junior party's euroscepticism and tougher, more conservative policies on immigration and the EU proved something of an embarrassment to recently election EU president. It was, however, an approach that was to be catastrophic for the PSD and the People's Party. The recently elected president of the EU Commission deemed the increasing Eurosceptical approach of the PSD and the PP as potentially damaging and embarrassing. In December 2004, former Prime-Minister and recently elected EU President, Barroso used his constitutional powers and dismissed Lopes' coalition government after Lopes failed to uphold changes, supportive of the EU, on issues of defence and foreign affairs.

Incidentally, former Portuguese Prime Minister and EU President, Barroso played host to U.S President George W. Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Spanish Prime Minister José Maria Aznar in the Portuguese Island of Terceira, in the Azores, in which the four leaders met and finalised the controversial U.S-led 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Former US and UK faces

Secrecy and suspicion shroud the 2009 elections for the next president of the European commission and the distribution of power between the European parties. It seems as though Hans Gert Pöttering wants to accelerate the process to enforce the Portuguese conservative’s re-election

Halo Twitter Search iPhone app

Hahlo is the original Twitter client for iPhone/iPod Touch. It's built on top of the great API provided by Twitter.

Just one of the great new features in version 3 is the search capabilities that are made possible via the Twitter Search API. Hahlo 3 has an all-new menu which brings all the great features right to your fingertips. Hahlo's aim is to provide as much of the Twitter.com functionality as possible, in an interface that is as easy to use as it is on the eye.


Hahlo started out as a proof of concept just a day after the WWDC Keynote in June 2007, and has quickly grown into a popular and powerful tool for twitter users across the world. As of November 2008 Hahlo has received over 7 Million page views, and has been used to send over 670,000 tweets to the masses.